Kelp Farm Illustration!

Medium: Pixels!


If there is anything we humans need to figure out (if there is to be a future) it's how to produce high quality food efficiently while simultaneously creating rather than destroying habitat.

That is why I was honored when Mike Spranger and Gretchen Aro asked me to create an illustration for their new business A Kelp Farm that will be off the Soutwestern tip of Vashon, and up and running in a year.

I can create imagery pretty quickly, but this took me months, because I really dug into researching the subject and I learned these things:

-Kelp farming requires no fertilizer or water imput.

-Kelp is a high protein food product, and adaptable to many uses.

-It has been found to actually improve the ecology of an area rather than degrade it.

-It has minimal visual impact.

-It poses no threat to large marine mammals.

-The kelp farming industry is growing, and just like alternative energy, is good news for the sustainability of life on this planet.

Vashon Island likes to think of itself as being innovative and ecologically minded. Well here is Vashon doing that. I find that incredibly inspiring.

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