“The Afternoon Clouds Roll In” Outskirts of Guatape , Colombia. Graphite, watercolor and gouache on 9x12 300# paper.

“Painting Must Be So Relaxing”

No. It’s a struggle; and this one more than others on the trip. For some reason I find it easier to do watercolors with the figure than I do landscape. I think it has to do with the clarity of form and edges and me being fairly new to watercolor (the past 9 months?) and not totally sure of my ability to control it…which is part of the fun as well as the frustration.

That, and working small. For convient travel’s sake my largest “canvas” is 9x12. Remember, I started painting at the age of 17 on 16’x100’ canvas drops, with huge brushes on poles….it is has been a long journey to the small.

All that said, I am fairly happy with it. Reminds me of a Gauguin landscape. I have been called a “fauvist” before. If so, I lean more towards Gauguin than Matisse.

And here is last night’s cafe drawing.

As usual, I am the only one eating. The Guatapans sit, chat, drink coffee or beer, but mostly go home to eat. It’s kind of like all the restaurants are staying open just for me. Gracias muy mucho!

“View from a Cafe - Guatape - #3” Graphite on 6x8 98lb paper.