"Iconic Vashon" solo show at Vashon Center for the Arts
Hello Dear Blog Readers! This is a post i sent about a month ago, which didn't send, so I am trying again. The show is now over and was an incredible success! I sold 19 oil paintings and the large mural as well, and will be publishing an art book based on the show that should be available by Sept. of 2025.
I have been remiss in posting this summer as I’ve been wrapped up with creating 31 plein air oil paintings, which are currently being hung at the Vashon Center for the Arts for a solo gallery show called ICONIC VASHON. It opens this Friday, October 4th at 5pm. It will also include an 8’x28’ painting, which will be a reinterpretation of a mural I did 10 years ago on Vashon called “The Cravens”. I hope you get a chance to see the show!!!
Here’s a great video created by my amazingly talented daughter Louisa.